License Your Dog in PA
All dogs two months or older must be licensed by Jan. 1 of each year, regardless of when the license was purchased the previous year. Violators can be cited with…
PECO Storm Preparation and Safety
For more information concerning PECO Storm Preparation and Safety, please click here.…
Rain Barrels are available to purchase
This brochure will provide the company's information and details for the rain barrel. The cost of each Rain Barrel is $76.00, cash or check, payable to Upper Southampton Township.…
Mosquitoes and What you can do to Prevent and Protect
For more information regarding West Nile Virus, the WNV program, and what residents can do to protect themselves can be found on the State website here:…
Reminder to all residents concerning trees/bushes and any type of sports equipment
The Township ordinance requires all property owners to keep trees and bushes trimmed clear of sidewalks to a height of 9 feet and clear of roads to a height of…
Message from the Upper Southampton Police Department
Upper Southampton Police Department is asking all residents to be proactive in protecting themselves by making sure objects of value are out of sight and that all vehicles when parked…
Medication Drop Box at the Township
The Upper Southampton Township Police Department is now able to accept all of your unwanted prescription drugs. This includes all prescription, non-prescription over-the-counter drugs, vitamins, samples, even your pet’s…
Ordinances designed to keep Upper Southampton "A Nice Place to Live"
Please be aware of these regulations which are designed to benefit the entire Township. Permits: required for any improvements to your property. These include new buildings and additions to existing…