Trash & Recycling
Please contact J.P. Mascaro directly at 1(800) 432-1616 to report a missed stop so that it can be scheduled, as soon as possible, for pickup. J. P. Mascaro has hours until 12:00 PM on Saturdays, if needed.
To contact the Township regarding questions or problems with trash, recycling or yard waste collection, Click here or call 215-322-9700 x-125
Upper Southampton Township
Trash, Recycling & Yard Waste Regulations
Residential trash is collected on Fridays (except holidays)
Recyclable materials are collected on Fridays (except holidays)
Yard Waste is collected on Mondays between April 1st and December 15th (except holidays)
Any known changes to these days can be found on our home page, scroll down to "NEWS".
Holiday Collection Schedule:
The following holidays may effect your collection day, depending if they fall on a Monday or a Friday: New Years Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day. (These are the only holidays that J.P. Mascaro is contracted off).
When a holiday occurs on a Monday, Yard waste will be collected on Tuesday.
When a holiday occurs on Friday, trash and recycling will be collected on Saturday, otherwise it will remain on our scheduled day, Friday.
- Residential trash is collected on Fridays (except holidays). This will only change if the holiday falls on a Friday, then collection will be Saturday. The following holidays may cause a change: New Years Day, Independence Day or Christmas Day.
- Residential trash must be placed in a suitable container with a tight fitting lid and handles, is watertight and animal proof, and is able to be carried easily by the collector. Containers shall not be less than 20 gallons or more than 35 gallons in capacity, and weigh less than 50 pounds when full.
- A maximum of 12 cans or bags of trash will be collected each collection day.
- Latex (water-based) paint may be placed in the trash for regular collection. Please allow the unused paint to harden to prevent it from spilling onto the street during collection.
- Federal regulations require the removal of refrigerants from refrigerators, freezers, air conditioners, and dehumidifiers prior to disposal. All items containing refrigerants will be collected by appointment only, separate from regular trash collection. Also large bulk items such as a piano or household furnace will require a special collection. Special Collections will require scheduling a pickup by contacting J.P. Mascaro & Son at (800) 432-1616. There is a $50.00 charge per special item. Completely remove refrigerator and freezer doors to prevent small children from becoming trapped inside. Doors are collected on Fridays with residential trash.
- All other bulk items, such as furniture, appliances, and carpet are collected on Fridays along with the regular trash. All mattresses and box springs must be bagged and sealed in plastic when placed curbside. Carpets must be cut to lengths of three (3) feet or less and tied in manageable bundles. Bulk items are limited to one item per week, except carpet/padding, which is limited to 10 bundles per week.
- State law prohibits the disposal of covered electronic devices at landfills or incinerators. Electronic devices includes desktop and laptop computers, computer monitors, computer peripherals and televisions. These items will not be collected by the hauler. Each resident is responsible for the proper disposal of these items. For more information on how to properly dispose of these items, please contact the Bucks County Planning Commission at 215-345-3400 or Effective March 10, 2023, Upper Southampton Township provides an Electronic Recycling Program, please see below for more details, under "Electronic Recycling for Upper Southampton Residents".
- Trash may not be placed at the curb for collection before 6:00 p.m. on the evening proceeding a collection day. Empty containers must be removed from the curb by 10:00 p.m. of the day of the collection. All collections may occur as early as 6:00 a.m., so residents are advised to plan accordingly. Do not put trash in front of a mailbox.
- The hauler is not responsible for the removal of building materials, automobiles, automobile parts, tree stumps, demolition materials, concrete, dirt, and household hazardous wastes (such as oil-based paints and solvents, pool chemicals, pesticides, etc.). Each resident is responsible for the proper disposal of these items.
- For questions or problems, call the Township at 215-322-9700, ext. 125.
- Recyclable materials are collected on Fridays (except holidays). This will only change if the holiday falls on a Friday, then collection will be Saturday. The following holidays may cause a change: New Years Day, Independence Day or Christmas Day
- Recyclable materials include newspapers and magazines, glass bottles and jars (all colors), food and beverage cans (aluminum, steel and bimetal), plastic food and beverage containers (numbered 1 - 7 on bottom of container), cardboard, pressed paperboard (cereal boxes, pizza boxes, shoe boxes , etc.), junk mail, office paper, computer paper, shredded paper.
- All recyclable materials are to be placed together in the green recycling cart provided by the Township. You may use additional containers, if necessary, for recycling. If you use another container that is not identified for recycling, please place a recycling sticker (available free of charge from the Township) on the container. There is no limit on the amount of recyclable materials collected. Please contact the Township if you do not have a recycling cart.
- Please keep the recyclable materials and trash three feet apart at the curb or street line and do not place in front of mailboxes.
UNACCEPTABLE RECYCLING MATERIALS: It is very important that your recycling does not include unacceptable recycling materials. Below is a list of items that must NOT go into the recycling cart:
- Plastic bags or materials in plastic bags
- Batteries
- Styrofoam packaging and Styrofoam peanuts
- Light bulbs
- Mirrors, window or auto glass, porcelain, ceramics, glass cookware and bake ware, microwave oven trays, drinking glasses, perfume/cologne bottles.
- Wood and yard waste
- Un-numbered plastic containers
- Coat hangers and wire
- Household items such as toasters, electronics, appliances, etc.
- Hazardous or toxic substances, Items containing or having debris and residue containing hazardous or toxic substances such as paint cans with wet paint, motor oil containers, gasoline cans, glue, and petroleum products.
- Aerosol cans.
- Diapers
- Scrap Metal
- Books or Toys
- Liquids
- "Covered Electronic Devices" - including desktop and laptop computers, computer monitors, computer peripherals and televisions.
Please review the most recent updated Mythbusters/Recycling Myths Guide, to further educate your family how to properly recycle and reduce contamination.
The Bucks County Planning Commission has provided us with the newly updated 2022 Recycling Guide. Please use this guide to help determine how and where you may dispose of the unacceptable items listed above.
2024 Household Hazardous Waste Collection Events
Electronic Recycling for Upper Southampton Residents
Effective March 10, 2023, Township residents can recycle anything with an electrical cord or that operates on batteries.
Please check in with the receptionist at the Township Administration Building, located at 939 Street Road, Southampton, PA 18966, between 8:30 AM and 3:00 PM, (Lunch Break 12:00-1:00) Monday-Friday. Please provide your I.D. and pay any required fees for televisions. Public Works Department will assist with removing the items from your vehicle. We have contracted with Magnum Computer Recycling, a division of Thanks for Being Green, LLC, a certified e-waste collector and disposal company.
Samples of items that may be dropped off at no cost: AC Adapters; aluminum, brass, light iron and copper; audio and video equipment (no wood), ballasts (non-PCB’s); blow dryers, car batteries; cell phones and telephones; computer memory; computer periphery and parts; curling/flat irons, E-readers; game consoles; hand held/table scanners; hard drives; irons, keyboards, mice and PC speakers; laptop and cell phone batteries; LCD or CRT computer monitors; metal – baled or loose; microwave ovens; motherboards; motors; MP3 players/iPods; PC fans & power supplies; PC scrap and stereos (no wood); PC’s – desktop, laptops, tablets, towers; portable radios; printers, copiers, scanners, modems, fax machines; scales; toasters & toaster ovens, toner and ink cartridges; uninterrupted power supply; VCR, DVD, Blu-ray, laser disk and CD players; wire – all types.
Televisions may also be dropped off but will require a small fee:
- Televisions up to 32” are $5.00
- Televisions 33” to 55” are $10.00
- Televisions 56” and larger are $20.00
- Yard waste is collected on Mondays during the yard waste collection program, which runs from April 1 to December 15 and the third Monday in January (Christmas trees). There is no limit on the amount of yard waste collected.
- If a holiday occurs on Monday, yard waste will be collected on Tuesday. This will only change if the holiday falls on Monday, then collection will be Tuesday. The following holidays may cause a change: New Years Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day and Christmas Day.
- From December 16th through March 31st, yard waste is collected with residential trash on Fridays (except holidays). There is a limit of five (5) bags/containers of yard waste per week during this time period.
- Yard waste, which includes grass clippings, leaves, plants, twigs and tree branches (no larger than 3" in diameter and no longer than 36"), may be placed in 30 gallon biodegradable paper bags, please do not use black plastic trash bags, even if the manufacturer states that they are biodegradable, or cans. Residents may not use cardboard boxes or plastic bags, as these will not be accepted at the compost facility.
- Christmas trees will be collected on the third Monday in January.
Commercial Recycling
Who Must Recycle?
Commercial, industrial and institutional establishments, such as retail stores, restaurants, offices, schools, nursing and assisted living facilities, rehabilitation centers, warehouses, hospitals and churches are required to create and operate recycling programs.
What Must be Recycled?
The law requires the following items be recycled by Commercial, Industrial, and Institutional Entities:
- Corrugated paper
- Newsprint
- Aluminum
- Leaf waste including leaves, shrubbery, branches and similar vegetative materials.
Materials should be stored separately until picked up. Businesses are required to handle and arrange their own waste and recycling collection.
Why Recycle?
State law mandates businesses to recycle. This law has been in effect since 1988. There are also economic and environmental reasons. Why send something to a landfill if it can be reused? Recycling saves money and resources, and reduces disposal costs. Reducing trash lowers disposal costs. There are companies that purchase recyclable material.
How TO Start A Recycling PROGRAM:
A Successful Program Needs:
- Top level management support...the success of your recycling program hinges upon the endorsement of senior management. Their positive support promotes a similar attitude among the establishment's employees and customers. Also, recycling programs often require initial outlays of capital.
- A coordinator...a person in charge of developing, managing, and enforcing the program, who is responsible for its success and who others may contact with questions.
- A task force...To assist the coordinator in developing the initial program. Custodial staff, administrative staff, and educators should be included.
- A waste audit...To determine who's throwing away what and how much is being trashed. Reduction and reuse should also be considered.
- A market investigation....To determine where your recyclable materials can be processed. Most waste haulers offer collection of recyclables. Some companies buy recyclable material.
- A convenient collection system...With attractive, easy to use containers, near the to the computer and soda machine...or a central storage area. Personnel are needed to collect and record information on how much of what is being recycled.
- A review of procurement policies ....To determine if other products can be substituted for current supplies that are recyclable and/or made of recycled materials. Perhaps current buying practices can be revised.
- An education program....To inform staff about the program, program goals, the value of waste reduction and recycling, and periodically encourage people to continue recycling. Remind them they're doing the right thing to help themselves, their community and the environment.